Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Now that I have recovered from my vacation and being sick, I decided it was time to get back to my little corner of sunshine :D

If I could only give one piece of wisdom with regard to having a positive outlook on life, it would be this.

Learn to laugh.... especially at yourself.

Genuine guileless laughter has no downside. Makes you and anyone around you feel good. Also it is more contagious than the flu :D

So seriously think back right now to the last really funny thing you did, and laugh at yourself. I think you will be surprised at the effect it has on your whole day.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years.

I have always said that New Years was my favorite holiday. In years past I said it because it was an unfettered holiday, one about celebration and friends. A holiday devoted to appreciating being alive. I have come to realize that what I truly cherish about New Years can be cut down to a single word.... Hope.

New Years is about hope, hope for the future, and that it will be even better than the past. Hope that wrongs will be righted, goals will be achieved, and love found and fostered.

I hope as you all move forward from the New Years that you can hold on to that spark of Hope and kindle it into motivation and love.